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Webinar – Wage Inequality in India: Evidence from National Labour Force Survey Data

The debate on the state of economic inequality in contemporary India has been ongoing for a long time. Findings from a number of studies show that inequality has risen in recent times. However, the debate remains unsettled and inconclusive as existing studies use different approaches, methods, and indicators to address the question of inequality in India.
Given the fact that nearly half of India’s total workforce derives their income from wages, it can prove to be an important proxy for studying incomes in India. Wage inequality can, therefore, be an important tool to understand economic inequality. The earnings data from the National Labour Force Survey shows a clear decline in wage inequality for both regular and casual workers in rural and urban India since 2011. At the same time, however, the growth of wages has remained stagnant in this period.
What are the main factors driving the changes in wage inequality? And What does this dichotomy mean for economic inequality in the country?
Arindam Das, in a Webinar organised by the Foundation for Agrarian Studies (FAS) on May 30, 2024,  dealt with these questions using evidence from various official databases, and primary studies.

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May 30 2024


4:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: Europe/London
  • Date: May 30 2024
  • Time: 11:30 am


Virtual Event


Foundation for Agrarian Studies
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