Differentiation in the Countryside
Episode 3: Differentiation in the Countryside
For our third episode of FAS Young Scholars Corner, Soham Bhattacharya, a PhD student at the Indian Statistical Institute (Bangalore) about the differentiated nature of the Indian countryside, something he was first exposed to as part of his field-work at FAS.
Differentiation in the Countryside
Episode 3: Differentiation in the Countryside
For our third episode of FAS Young Scholars Corner, Soham Bhattacharya, a PhD student at the Indian Statistical Institute (Bangalore) about the differentiated nature of the Indian countryside, something he was first exposed to as part of his field-work at FAS.
Reading List:
1. Agricultural Tenancy in Contemporary Punjab: A Study Based on National Sample Survey Data – Soham Bhattacharya
2. De-Regulation of Tenancy in Rural India – Madhura Swaminathan.
3. “Agrarian Transformation and Human Development: Instrumental and Constitutive Links” – Amiya Kumar Bagchi, Agrarian Studies Essays On Agrarian Relations in Less Developed Countries
4. Tenancy Reforms: A Critique of NITI Aayog’s Model Law – Sukhpal Singh.
5. Socioeconomic Surveys of Three Villages in Andhra Pradesh: A Study of Agrarian Relations – V. K. Ramachandran, V. Rawal, and Madhura Swaminathan (eds.)
Host: Nihira | Music Credits: Difference – Ketsa | Image Credits: FAS PARI Photo Archives
Disclaimer: The views presented in these episodes are based on research of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the Foundation’s research findings.