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Irfan Habib | Caste and Agrarian Relations in Ancient and Medieval India

The Foundation is happy to announce that the Third FAS Annual Public Lecture (#FASAL21) was held on December 17, 2021 at 5:00 PM IST.

The Lecture was delivered by eminent historian Professor Irfan Habib (Professor Emeritus, Aligarh Muslim University) who spoke on caste and agrarian relations in ancient and medieval India.

You can find the complete recording of #FASAL21 here.


A prolific scholar, Professor Habib has authored many notable books in the field of history, such as Agrarian System in Mughal India (1556-1707) and the People’s History of India series. He had been Coordinator/Chairman of the Centre for Advanced Studies, Aligarh Muslim University, in 1975–77 and 1984–94. He was also Chairman of the Indian Council of Historical Research during 1986–90. He has also held the posts of General Secretary, Sectional President, and General President of the prestigious Indian History Congress. We are honoured to have Professor Habib deliver the Third FAS Annual Lecture!

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Visit our YouTube channel to watch the First, and Second FAS Annual Lectures organized by the Foundation for Agrarian Studies.


Dec 17 2021


5:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
  • Date: Dec 17 2021
  • Time: 3:30 am




Foundation for Agrarian Studies
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