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Young Scholars’ Seminar 8: Rice Incomes and Farm Policy: Case Studies from Kerala and Vietnam

The eighth session of the FAS Young Scholars’ Online Seminar Series 2022-23 featuring Deepak Johnson, JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, was held on Friday, December 2, 2022.

Deepak spoke about his work on “Rice Incomes and Farm Policy: Case Studies from Kerala and Vietnam.”

There has been an extensive discussion of the role of prices of inputs and outputs or price factor and non-price factors – technology and institutions – in agricultural development. Deepak’s work explored the influence of these factors using a comparative study of incomes from rice production in the kole wetland region, a high-performing rice agro-ecosystem in Kerala, and the Mekong Delta Region in Vietnam. Both regions share many similarities in agro-climatic conditions and institutional features.

Through this seminar, Deepak answered two specific questions: How do incomes from rice cultivation differ in the two regions? What factors, including differences in cost structure, and the role of government policy, explain differences in incomes from rice cultivation between these two regions?

The session was Chaired by Barbara Harriss-White, Emeritus Professor of Development Studies, University of Oxford. Rui Takahashi, Professor, Department of Economics, School and Political Science and Economics, Tokai University, acted as the discussant.

A Q&A session, moderated by the Chair, followed the presentation.

For more details, contact us at events[at]fas[dot]org[dot]in.


Dec 02 2022


4:30 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Dec 02 2022
  • Time: 6:00 am


Virtual Event


Foundation for Agrarian Studies
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