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The Dynamics of Agricultural Innovation in North and South India- Inaugural Event

On Friday, March 7, 2025, the Foundation for Agrarian Studies (FAS), Bengaluru, along with the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Bangalore Centre, organised the inaugural event for two projects funded by the CGIAR-Standing Panel on Impact Assessment (SPIA), “The Dynamics of Agricultural Innovations in North India” and “The Dynamics of Agricultural Innovations in South India,” at ISI, Bengaluru. These projects are being jointly undertaken by FAS and Monash University, Australia. The Principal Investigators are Dr. Gaurav Datt, Monash University, and Professor Madhura Swaminathan, ISI, Bangalore, and Trustee, FAS. The two Co-Principal Investigators are Dr. Emilia Tjernström, Monash University, and Dr. Sandipan Baksi, Director, FAS. Dr. Sherry Jacob, Principal Scientist, Indian Council of Agricultural Research-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (ICAR-NBPGR), is serving as an affiliated expert for these projects.

The recording of this event can be accessed here.

Professor B. S. Daya Sagar, Head of ISI, Bengaluru, inaugurated the event. The event was chaired by Professor Madhura Swaminathan.

The first talk of the event, on the role of CGIAR institutions in Indian agriculture, was delivered by Dr. V. Surjit, Associate Professor and Head of the Centre for Agrarian Studies, National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Hyderabad. He explained the evolution of CGIAR and its contributions to Indian agriculture.

The second talk on agricultural innovations in India, highlighting new technologies adopted in the country, was delivered by Professor Parmod Kumar, Head of the Agricultural Development and Rural Transformation Centre (ADRTC) at the Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bengaluru.

In the second half of the event, Dr. Sandipan Baksi provided an introduction to the projects in both north and south India, outlining the team’s objectives and work plan. Dr. Tapas S. Modak, the Project Manager and Associate Fellow at FAS, talked about the first component of the project, the stocktaking exercise, which entails comprehensively documenting the innovations undertaken by all CGIAR research centres in India over the last 20 years. He also posed a few questions to the experts regarding the stocktaking exercise, seeking their views and suggestions.

The final talk was delivered by Dr. Gaurav Datt, Associate Professor, and Dr. Emilia Tjernström, Senior Research fellow at Monash University, Australia. They focused on approaches to studying the impact of agricultural innovations, which will form an essential part of the project at a later stage.

The event concluded with an engaging discussion featuring expert opinions and valuable suggestions from the participants.

Here are a few glimpses from the event…


Mar 07 2025

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Mar 07 2025


Foundation for Agrarian Studies
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