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Science and Technology in Agriculture in India: A Review

The Foundation for Agrarian Studies regularly conducts seminars/conferences/workshops to disseminate the results of its research to the wider academic community, peasant and agricultural workers’ organisations, and women’s associations. As part of this endeavour the Foundation organised a public talk by Professor R. Ramakumar (School of Development Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences) on the role played by science and technology in the development of Indian agriculture since the Green Revolution. The Lecture, chaired by Professor Madhura Swaminathan (Head, Economic Analysis Unit, ISI-Bangalore), was scheduled for October 20, 2021 at 4:00 PM.

It is evident that the application of modern science, particularly chemistry and biology, in production has been the major force in transforming India from a “begging bowl to bread basket.” The achievements due to the absorption of science in the process of agricultural production goes beyond crop production, to include the allied sectors like horticulture, livestock, poultry, fisheries, and dairy. These developments undoubtedly changed the position of India in the global map, in terms of food security and sovereignty, as well as in terms of the capacity for creating new knowledge and technology and utilizing it for production. The lecture by Professor Ramakumar presented an overview of this long journey of Indian agriculture, and deliberated upon its various milestones.

You can now watch a complete recording of the #FASLecture here:


Oct 20 2021


4:00 pm - 5:30 pm


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