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Workshop on the Preliminary Findings from Punjab

An in-house workshop to discuss the preliminary findings from the household level surveys conducted in two villages — Tehang, Jalandhar district, and Hakamwala, Mansa district — in Punjab was conducted at the office of the Foundation on July 12–13, 2019. These villages were surveyed by the Foundation in 2011. A team from FAS visited the village again in July 2019 to gain clarity on some aspects of the economy of the villages.

The workshop began with general introduction by Madhura Swaminathan, followed by Ritam Dutta introducing the two villages. Soham Bhattacharya made a brief presentation on land and tenancy in the study villages, and Rakesh Kumar Mahato and Sanjukta Chakraborty described the levels of asset ownership and its distribution in the villages. The next presentation by Vijay Kumar focused on the cropping pattern and the incomes from crop production. The last presentation on the first day was by Gaurav Bansal, a research scholar at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. Gaurav was a student intern at FAS and has recently completed his M.Phil. on tenancy and accumulation in rural Punjab. His study is based on FAS data from the Tehang village. Gaurav presented the main findings from his study.

The second day of the workshop saw papers being presented on “Labour and Machine Use,” “Household Incomes,” “Employment and Wages,” and “Credit and Indebtedness,” by Shruti Nagbhushan, Subhajit Patra, Arindam Das, and Ritam respectively.

The presentations on both days were followed by detailed discussions.


Jul 12 - 13 2019


All Day




Foundation for Agrarian Studies
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