Home/Publications/Agrarian Studies Series/Women and Work in Rural India
Home/Publications/Agrarian Studies Series/Women and Work in Rural India

Women and Work in Rural India

“Women and Work in Rural India,” is the sixth volume in the Foundation’s Agrarian Studies Series. Edited by Madhura Swaminathan (Professor and Head, Economic Analysis Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore), Shruti Nagbhushan (formerly Research Assistant, Foundation for Agrarian Studies), and V. K. Ramachandran (Vice-Chairperson, Kerala State Planning Board), it is published by Tulika Books, New Delhi.

The book seeks to extend our understanding of the nature of women’s work in different sectors of the rural economy. It does so by drawing on new concepts and definitions and multiple sources of data, in particular, time-use surveys and gender-disaggregated data from village surveys.

“Women and Work in Rural India,” has six sections, with papers covering a range of issues on the general subject of women in rural production. These include conceptual, theoretical, and methodological issues in understanding women’s work, women’s work in agriculture and allied sectors, women in non-agricultural work, the gender gap in wage rates, class and caste issues, and rural women’s access to finance.

The introductory chapter of the book by Madhura Swaminathan and V.K. Ramachandran can be accessed here.

The book was released during a virtual programme on August 25, 2020. A brief report and the video of the online release event are available here.

To order copies of the book, Please write to Tulika Books (tulikadelhi@gmail.com, sales@tulikabooks.in) or contact their distributors.

In India and South Asia:

IPD Alternatives, New Delhi
Email: ipd.alternatives@gmail.com / ipda.office@gmail.com

Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi
Email: aipb@atlanticbooks.com

Rest of the World:

Columbia University Press, New York
Website: cup.columbia.edu

To order copies online, visit www.tulikabooks.in